Mountain Bike Tribal Trail Alliance

Our Mission

We are a group of mountain bikers, trail builders, and advocates  dedicated to fostering a vibrant and inclusive mountain biking  community. As a Veteran-led and culturally rooted organization, we  passionately advocate for and share the joys of mountain biking and  trail building with all members of our community. We take youth out  to teach them the benefits of mountain biking and maintaining  equipment. Our initiatives include providing Veteran rides, Youth  rides, building trails throughout Humboldt County, creating  opportunities for personal growth, and promoting the spirit of  camaraderie

Take Action

  • Donate Through TrailForks Here (Recommended)

    • Donating through TrailForks allows lets you see the trails we are building!

  • Donate Through Paypal Here

  • Follow us on Instagram @mbttabikeclub and come out on our posted trail days

Board Members

MTB Team


We are actively pursuing the following grants

Outride Opens

The Outride Fund partners with community nonprofits to promote cycling as a tool to improve social, emotional, and cognitive health and increase equity and access to cycling in local communities

Mckinleyville Area Foundation

HAF+WRCF grant funding supports charitable programs and projects in our region (Humboldt, Del Norte, and Trinity counties in California, and Curry County, Oregon). 

Athletic Brewing

From the Athletic Brewing Site: What we are on the inside of our company is the impact we will have on the outside world at large. Let's be positive, inclusive, encouraging, collaborators, and people who are known to be a force of good.


Coast Central

The Coast Central Community Investment Program provides grants to local non-profit organizations twice per year. An employee committee reviews all applications and then makes recommendations to our Board of Directors who approves grant recipients. Grants ranging generally from $3,000 to $25,000 are awarded, up to a total of $150,000 in each round. See our recent recipients below!